La Stanza del figlio

- I need to taIk to PaoIa...
- I'd reaIized that.

- What's the matter?
- I don't know.

Haven't you found Andrea odd IateIy?
- Odd, why?
- I don't know...

He Iost that game on purpose.
He Iost on purpose!

At his age, it's not
normaI not to want to win.

I don't find it normaI.
He didn't steaI that fossiI.
You beIieve that?

Yes, yes.
For two days,
I did everything to perfection.

Then, in a newspaper headIine
I saw the word ''sIow''.

I couIdn't resist,
I had to find its opposite.

I searched the whoIe paper
untiI I found the word ''fast''.

By then, more than
haIf an hour had gone by.

I couIdn't be at the supermarket
by 4 pm as I had pIanned.

I'd sIipped up.
So I set another date:
yesterday at midnight.

Another faiIure:
I drank some water before bad,

but I forgot to steriIize the gIass,
so I drank dirty water.

I have to start aII over again.
Set another date...
- It couId be...
- Listen, RaffaeIIa.

This is my best time of day.
I've drunk my tea.

I've drunk my tea.
I'm Iucid. FoIIow me.

Soccer sneakers for dirt fieId.
For turf fieId.
CycIing, basketbaII, tennis,
racing sneakers and voIIeybaII shoes.
