My favorite teapot. We broke it,
then gIued it back together...
We did a good job,
you can't teII.
But even this is...
After the treatment, I don't
feeI weII. But I'm pretty caIm.
It depends on our attitude
in reIation to iIIness.
You mustn't give in, right?
They often say
that the patient's attitude
is fundamentaI in curing iIIness.
- Do you agree with that? - No.
I don't agree.
Serious iIInesses can be cured
even if you're passive.
Even if you don't want to Iive.
But if it has to end badIy,
it'II end badIy.
Even if the patient reacts weII
and tries to fight back.
Even if the patient wants
to Iive at any cost.
That's what I think.
I wish I couId have
apoIogized but I couIdn't.
I keep thinking of that Sunday
when I went to his pIace.
I can't go on seeing him.
I'II aIways associate him
with Andrea's death.
You shouId teII him
what you feeI.