Why make him look like a faggot?
I don`t know,
but it`s not him.
- Let`s get his shirt off.
- What?
To check out the tattoo.
Easy! You say:
``l want to see
your strong arms, get undressed!``
No, we shout:
``Take it off, Pignon!
Take it all off!``
Hello, again!
Still no one for coffee?
No, thanks.
- Think he heard?
- I hope not.
- l`ve got an idea.
- Now what?
I bump into him with his coffee.
His shirt is drenched,
he removes it...
- You can`t stain his shirt!
- Why not?
That`s unfair!
Damn his shirt.
At least, we`ll know!
I`m so sorry!
I feel awful.
Look at your blouse...
I`m sorry.
Better take it off.
Wasn`t me, she bumped into me.
No, it wasn`t your fault.
I`ll get myself another coffee.
- Mr Pignon!
- Yes?
Mind staying later tonight?
To finish the balance sheet.
No problem.
If we run late,
we`ll order food and eat here. OK?