Legally Blonde

Harvard won't be impressed that
you aced History of Polka Dots.

What are your back-ups?
I don't need back-ups.
I'm going to Harvard.

Well, then, you'll need...
excellent recommendations
from your professors.

And a heck
of an admissions essay.

And at least a 175
on your LSATs.

I once had to judge
a tighty-whitey contest...

for Lambda Kappa Pi.
Trust me, I can handle anything.
You're welcome.
Because I have a metrabolism--
- I have a really high metrab--
- It's metabol...

Oh, my God.
What are you doing?
Reading about the LSATs.
My cousin had that.
Apparently, you get
a really bad rash on your...

The LSATs are an exam.
Girls, I'm going to Harvard!
- You mean like on vay-kay?
- Let's all go!

Road trip!
No. I'm going
to Harvard Law School.

Elle, now, I know
you're upset about all this...

but can't you just take
a Percoset?

Once Warner sees me
as a serious law student...

he'll totally want me back.
It's a completely brilliant

But isn't it hard
to get into law school?

I had the highest GPA
in Delta Nu.

Oh, well.
Here, you're gonna need this.

Your scrunchy?
My lucky scrunchy.
It helped me pass Spanish.

You passed Spanish because
you gave Professor Montoya...
