a lap dance after the final.
My name is Elle Woods,
and for my admissions essay...
I'm gonna tell all of you
at Harvard...
why I'm gonna make
an amazing lawyer.
As president of my sorority...
I'm skilled at commanding
the attention of a room...
and discussing
very important issues.
It has come to my attention
that the maintenance staff...
is switching our toilet paper
from Charmin...
to generic.
All those opposed to chafing
please say "aye."
A--neither type of opera...
or neither type of rap
is on sale.
B--neither type of jazz...
and neither type of opera
is on sale.
C--neither type of opera
and neither type of soul--
Delta Nu, we love you!
I'm able to recall
hundreds of important details...
at the drop of a hat.
Hey, Elle,
do you know what happened...
on Days of Our Lives yesterday?
Why, yes, Margot, I do.
Once again, we join Hope
in the search for her identity.
As you know, she's been
brainwashed by the evil Stefano.
Get set and go!
One forty-three.
I feel comfortable using
legal jargon in everyday life.
I object!