Which must be a nice vacation
for his balls.
Thank you.
According to
Swinney vs. Neubert...
Swinney, who was also
a private sperm donor...
was allowed visitation rights
as long as he came to terms...
with the hours
set forth by the parents.
So, if we're sticking
to past precedent...
Mr. Latimer wasn't stalking.
He was clearly within his rights
to ask for visitation.
But Swinney was
a one-time sperm donor...
and our defendant
was an habitual sperm donor...
who also happens to be
harassing the parents...
in his quest for visitation.
But without this man's sperm...
the child in question
wouldn't exist.
Now you're
thinking like a lawyer.
Yes, Ms. Woods?
Although Mr. Huntington
makes an excellent point...
I have to wonder
if the defendant...
kept a thorough record
of every sperm emission...
made throughout his life.
Interesting. Why do you ask?
Unless the defendant
attempted to contact...
every single one-night stand
to determine...
if a child resulted
in those unions...
he has no parental claim
over this child whatsoever.
Why now? Why this sperm?
I see your point.
And for that matter,
all masturbatory emissions...
where his sperm was clearly
not seeking an egg...
could be termed
reckless abandonment.
I believe
you've just won your case.
Ms. Woods, you did well today.
You're applying
for my internship, aren't you?
I don't know.
You should.
Do you have a resume?