Yes, Ms. Woods?
Although Mr. Huntington
makes an excellent point...
I have to wonder
if the defendant...
kept a thorough record
of every sperm emission...
made throughout his life.
Interesting. Why do you ask?
Unless the defendant
attempted to contact...
every single one-night stand
to determine...
if a child resulted
in those unions...
he has no parental claim
over this child whatsoever.
Why now? Why this sperm?
I see your point.
And for that matter,
all masturbatory emissions...
where his sperm was clearly
not seeking an egg...
could be termed
reckless abandonment.
I believe
you've just won your case.
Ms. Woods, you did well today.
You're applying
for my internship, aren't you?
I don't know.
You should.
Do you have a resume?
Yes, I do.
Here it is.
It's pink.
And it's scented.
I think it gives
it a little something extra.
See you next class.
Do you think she woke up
one morning and said...
"I think I'll go
to law school today."
That lapse in judgment aside...
I think
she's got a lot of potential.
Here's the Windham file.
Smell this.
What's that?
It's her resume.
Smells good.