Life Without Dick

Molly's gonna love this.
She loves blue.

That's great, Colin.
You Scotch-taped him to a chair?
Can you believe
I forgot the rope?

I had to use Scotch--
Look how sticky that is.

- It sticks to the wool.
- Yeah, it's sticky.

Hey, Pee Wee.
I'm sorry.

Wejust got caught up
in a little gangland small talk.

Howyou doin'?
- Okay. Colin?
- Yeah?

- Let's do it.
- Okay.

Let's do it.
Let's go.
Went to mass this morning, right?
Had my gun.

Then, a couple minutes agoyou came in
the door, and I gotyou with a painting.

Looked again-- gone.
Believe that?

You're offthe hook, Pee Wee.
Don't do it again, because--
No. Wait, wait.
One second.Jared said
we have to ''X'' this guy today.

- We don't have a gun.
- I know that.

But what I can do is
I'll find something...

with which we can bludgeon our
good old friend Pee Wee to death with.

I know this sounds
terrible, Dick...

butyour death...
has really opened me up.
Creatively, I mean.
Crossing guard?
Where in the world
did you meet a crossing guard?

Crossing guard, remember me?
Last week, back ofmy car?
That loose spring
took a chunk out ofyour ass.
