For the safety of all!
That's routine in these matters.
And we would like an agreement on
the financial question, so that-
-we can check Nikolaus Lehman
this very night.
We should be able to negotiate with
him. To pay a once-for-all sum...
Well, one more thing.
I want Johan in on it, too.
Of course. That's okay with me.
We need someone
we can trust 100 percent.
What about your chief accountant?
Any problems?
Not that I know of, but I've tried to
reach him all day, in vain...
-We'll send a car. Wolf Cape, right?
-I know Torbjörn, I could check...
-If you lend me a car.
-Sure, of course.
I thought we'd concentrate on quality,
not second rate detectives.
Have you seen him in action?
-He's very very good, you know.
-I've heard he's no team player.
Actually, I've offered him a job.
Oh, yeah? What did he say?
Nothing, so far.
I think he's considering it.