I just don't see the point
in writing her a letter.
Maybe she could hear you,
you know.
If I did write her a letter,
- Go for it! - "Dear mother,
remember you asked me,
when you were sick
well, dying?
this fall,
still hot that year in your room,
smelled like sweet, rotten apples.
And I was holding your head in my arms.
And your breathing was so fast,
and like shallow.
You said 'Mary,
please, remember me
And the thing is,
I do sometimes forget what you looked like.
Do you really don't remember
what she looked like?
Sometimes. God,
it is so incredibly sad.
That's yours new name.
Mary B, B for Brave.
Mouse is dead.
We're glad you're our
new roommate, Mary.
Aren't we, Paulie?
Are you glad to be our
new roommate, Mary Brave?
Come on, truth.
Be honest.