It's a warning.
-Death isn't always that simple.
-lt is.
And it's my turn now.
So let's split.
We'll leave town.
No, the American will find us
sooner or later.
Like she found
that other woman...
with a bullet in the stomach
or the head.
-ln any case, I'm not budging.
-So we'll find the money.
There she is! It's her!
It's all over.
I can't watch this.
Not here, not in broad daylight.
You've nothing to be afraid of.
How do you explain this dreadful
heat hitting Paris?
Is it Halley's Comet?
It's worse than in Washington.
Marc is sure you killed Jean.
Why would we?
Corpses never pay their debts.
Look, Michael double-crossed us.
He disappeared with the money.
I know, Marc. They've all gone--
Michael, Jean...
It's your bad luck
you're the only one left.
So you must pay. You were always
the reliable one.
At least,
that's how I remember you.
Leave Michael to us.
But in the meantime,
I'm flying back in two weeks.
So you have two weeks.
I could never...
If you don't pay,
you'll pay for it.
Of course you can.
"Never" is such a childish word.
You're too old for that, Marc.
Two weeks!