[ Screaming ]
[Man OverP.A.]
Nowarriving in DownTown.
Please exit
to therightofthe car.
[ Panting ]
- Hello?
- Please exit to therightofthe car.
- Am I dead?
- Nextstop, LandofDeath.
Wait, please!
I'd like to know ifI'm dead.
Hey, youngman!
Carryyourbags to the ''Y''?Ow!
Hello, handsome.
Like cigars?
- [ Shrieks ]
- We got 'em cheap. Genuine Cubans.
- [ Chuckles, Rattles ]
-Say, fella!
How's about a shoeshine?
Spit and polish! Whoo-hoo!
$$ We welcomeyou to DownTown
andwhileyou're inyourcoma$$
$$ This cheapandcheerful clown town
[Raccoon] Yo, coma dude!
Man, what'syourhurry?
abadfreakshowin there.
[Snake] Yeah, bigboy,
whatabout thatbackpack?