$$ Youknowyouare$$
$$A cutelittleheartbreaker$$
$$Foxy, yeah$$
asweetlittle lovemaker$$
$$I wanna takeyouhome$$
$$ Yeah
I won'tdoyounoharm, no$$
$$ Yougot tobeallmine
$$Here Icome, baby
I'm comin'togetya$$
- [ Whooping ]
- $$Foxylady$$$$
Dive! Dive! Dive!
- Ow!
- Oh, God, Stu!
- Uh-huh.
- Oh, my-- Areyou-- Oh!
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Grunting ]
- [ Gasps ]
- Heads up! Feeding time!
[Screams, Moans]
[ Screaming ]
Ohh! What-What-What?
[ Gasps, Whimpers ]
What? What? Who areyou?
- Whatdoyou want?
- Dinner.
You gotta move fast oryou'll starve.
Here, have some popcorn.
They feed us the slops
from the Morpheum Theater.
You hope for MilkyWay, you settle
for Skittles. I'm Steve-- Steve King.
Stephen King?
What are you doing here?