- [ Whooping ]
- $$Foxylady$$$$
Dive! Dive! Dive!
- Ow!
- Oh, God, Stu!
- Uh-huh.
- Oh, my-- Areyou-- Oh!
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Grunting ]
- [ Gasps ]
- Heads up! Feeding time!
[Screams, Moans]
[ Screaming ]
Ohh! What-What-What?
[ Gasps, Whimpers ]
What? What? Who areyou?
- Whatdoyou want?
- Dinner.
You gotta move fast oryou'll starve.
Here, have some popcorn.
They feed us the slops
from the Morpheum Theater.
You hope for MilkyWay, you settle
for Skittles. I'm Steve-- Steve King.
Stephen King?
What are you doing here?
I'mJack the Ripper.
- I'm Lizzie Borden.
- How doyou do?
- Attila the Hun.
- Attila the Hun.
** [ Fanfare On Kazoo ]
Allhail themostglorious,
Oh, enough! Enough, enough!
I'm hungover.
- Hyp, did you bring me cough medicine?
- That night-light I asked for?
- King, you pussy. [ Laughs ]
- Bite me, Poe.
- You set me up!
- Easy, pal. [ Chuckles ]
Just coming to congratulateyou. It
ain't easy snatching those Exit Passes.
Steve was the last guy to do it,
and that must have been 25 years ago.
Why'd you do it, huh?
Wh-What did I ever do toyou?
It's nothing personal, Stu, it'sjust
we need nightmares-- fresh nightmares.
We'ddie without 'em.
That's why we grabbedyourbody.
- I'm no nightmare-maker.
- That's the monkey'sjob.
- Monkeybone? What?
- [ Laughs Maniacally]
Let's face it, Stu. Nobodywants
to be a fiigment. It's a dead-end career.