We gotta move on this,
so get the burger guy, the toy guys...
the toy guys and
the lunchbox people in here--
Herb, get offthat phone right now.
You're exploiting him!
- Am not.
- Herb, he's not himself.
He's your friend. He trusts you,
and you're taking advantage ofhim!
- Am not. I'm on the phone!
- Are too!
- My cocina.
- Hey, hey.
My refrigerator, where I store
and chill my food.
And this-- the oven,
where I cook my food.
And ifyou'll step this way, you'll fiind
my dining room, where I eat my food.
What is all this stuffabout
merchandising? You hate merchandising.
I know, baby, I do.
But look at it from another angle:
There's a potload
ofmoney here.
$$I'm dirtyasamanhole$$
$$ Cover$$
$$I'm looking for
$$She turnedme out
- [ Whimpering ]
- $$I'mjustso easilyled$$
$$ When thelittlehead
does the thinkin'$$$$
You two-bit simian stooge.
We didn't send you up here to shakeyour
bootywith a bunch oflingerie babes.
[ Slowed-Down Voice ]
But it's my fantasy.
I don't care!
We sentyou up here to make nightmares!