Siew, I'm on a winning streak!
I'm going to be rich for sure, Siew!
Two hours and forty minutes later
You lose!
I got him!
Double slam!
I'll pay you later...
It's hundreds already, boss
Shut it!
Just deal the cards!
Are you still in, boss?
Sure, I won't quit
just because I lost a few games
If you can't afford breakfast
you can eat vegetables with us!
What's so funny?
Shut it, smart ass!
Deal the cards
Okay, boss...
I win again
I quit... too much bad luck around
Never mind, boss...
We'll take care of the bad luck
Now you owe me 4,000 baht
Gambling debts don't count
Are you serious?
I sure am!
Don't expect me to pay you
I don't owe you anything
You'll be lucky to get your wages