Mr In-Between

Poor old Nelson, eh?
How come they
can catch him so quick

and they haven't got
a clue about the bank job?

It's because they think
gangland killings

are a useful form
of social Darwinism.

Crimes of passion,
they're much easier to solve.
You make mistakes.
You probably wanna get caught
and take your punishment.

Your local's a fucking dump, mate.
So what, you're not gonna
introduce me to your mates?

- Not today, if you don't mind.
- So what is it with you then?

Why are you such
a miserable shit, hmm?

Or is it just me you don't like?
I guess it must be just you.
(overlapping dialogue)
Stop it! Fucking stop!
You see, you're not
so fucking hard now, are you?

I'll call an ambulance.
- I'm all right.
- Sorry, mate.

- It all happened so quick.
- It's all right.

- Will you call me a cab?
- Yeah, yeah.

(doorbell buzzes)
