Eat shit.
A neW spring, a neW test.
Come on! Radio 'Heart Beat'.
What? -Are you asleep?
Of course not.
Honest? -Honest.
Get the records. See you
doWnstairs in
half an hour. -Right.
Did you get anything
on that chick?
322-1 847.
Her name's ola.
Mare, she's into rock 'n' roll.
Ouch. See ya. Bye!
OK, I'm coming.
Turn that music doWn
or I'll chuck it all out.
After tWo hours
of patient stalking.
the little giraffe didn't
stand a chance.
Get up! You've been
in bed all morning.
You do nothing around
the house...
In the savannah food chain
All I do is wash, iron, clean.
Good afternoon, Auntie ela.
Fuck you and your
"good afternoons"!
For the past tWo years.
You stinker!
Someone kicked your
ass again, eh?
What's that on your face?