But the punch bag didn't Work.
No spare parts, they said.
There's no place
for a guy to unWind.
As Charles Barkly put it:
Don't start any shit
if you're Weaker!!!
You mother-fuc.
Hakkinen! Give me a cigarette.
What do you reckon.
WiIll We get more chicks
When our album comes out?
Realistically. no.
But We could
always try raping them.
We could, seriously!
And this chick 322-1 847.
Is she cool With it?
Wilth me.
Eat shit. -Fuck off.
I feel like dancing!
Kata looks hot, eh?
I'm off. -Wait!
I've had enough.
We said We'd leave by 1 1 .
Just 5 more minutes.