Get lost!
Wait, man. We'll get in!
Right. Over 7 hills and 7 seas,
7 mountains and
7 valleys, 7 rivers,
7 lakes, 7 villages, 7
forests, in a glade in a
crumbling old house lived
a scary dragon. One
morning he opened the
door, looked out and said:
'Shit, What a place to live!!!'
HoW Will I recogniZe you?
I'm not Wearing a bra
and I'm rather communicative.
Man, did you hear that?
Only female voices?!!!
35 chicks and Raya!!!
Antonio Banderas.
I haven't scored since
the sanctions. Honest!
So I thought maybe you
could help fill the void.
Jesus, Where did you
find all these chicks?
No idea. I haven't had time to look.
Who's playing?
Juventus - Inter. It was
2-0 but noW it's 2-1 .
Come on, ref. BloW the final Whistle!
Juve is my banker.
Do you knoW What the odds are?
Mare, What's up?
When are you going to
give me back my records?