
You're going out With the Tit?
This is so confusing.
Wait on. You'll have to come With us!
Man, We've got our album!
You're my best friend!
What's all this? Candid camera?
HoW can you be With Goyko?
We used to break his
balls When We Were kids.

You're into chicks that sing?
What's the problem?
Is there something I should know?.
Nothing. Honest.
Shut up before I kick your ass.
Alright. I only. I said.
You're real cute
When you're flustered.

Forget about me being cute.
I gotta tell you something.
You're a Wicked chick and all.
But look.
Just a bit further, Mare!
Goyko promised us a recording
and a remix. He knows
a guy at the studio.

We scraped together
the dough, 600 bucks.

Mare sold his guitar.
The alternator's not Working.
He sold his old man's
Black and Decker.

What? -Shh!
I sold my brother's
rock 'n' roll records. I broke

some. He'll kill me.
But that's another story.

We only just scraped
together the money, see?!

600 bucks for nothing.
I told Mare that We'd
see Goyko, We've been

buddies since school.
Goyko played dumb.

No studio. No money.
That's When I lost it...

OK. It'll start in a sec!
I walked into the office,
and really fucked him up.

I broke everything in
there! Naturally he's

pissed, he's got
some friends after me..

It's not me, it's Mare
I'm Worried about.
