Hey, evil satellites!
Come doWn here! Fuckers!
Wait! Better: hey, you crappy satellite,
come on doWn, you piece of shite!
Get it? It rhymes: satellite - shite!
Had enough, Santa?
I dig you guys.
I'm taking you to a party.
Yeah! et's go!
No need. We're off to 'Bedrock'.
Why? There's no rush.
Goyko is there all night.
He doesn't matter, 'Meat' matters.
Eat shit.
-Fuck off.
We'll get there, man.
Chill out. We'll settle everything.
What's there to settle?
Nothing. Relax! What's With you?
Satellite - shite, bite.
What? et me pass.
Goyko, What's the time?
When do people get here?
Don't Worry, sWeetie.
Your job is to play,
mine's to make you a
star. I'll buy you a drink.
Come on, We're off for
a drink. What's up?
Hey, I really like that thing of yours.
What thing?
Well, aren't you jumpy!
A little vodka maybe?
A double vodka for her,
I'll have mineral water.
What a cute little T-shirt.
We'll do a compact CD.
I'm the main man, see?
It's not because you're
Kata's friend.