I have tWo kinds of problems.
Those that bother me
and those With no solution.
First kind: We have a band
and gave Gojko the
Tit 1 50 bucks for a
Goyko is a tit and a shit.
but he's supposed to do us a
The other problem is that.
I'm 25 and I still live With my mom.
Honest? -No shit.
See all these people here?
We all live With our folks.
That's not the problem.
I live With my grandmother too.
Just locate your place
in the coordinate system of
confusion. Get it?
Maybe one of you could
fix my coordinate thing!
I understand them.
The Whole war thing,
the news. the situation.
Hang on. Can you really Work
this out With Goyko?
I said so, didn't l?
I don't think you get me.
Mare Will flip if he finds out.
Hey, I'm your fairy godmother!
They oWe me from before.
Hang on.
HoW come you're With Goyko?
I don't knoW.
Well, hoW did you meet?
At the movies.
First they kill his master,
then he beats them,
then they hurt his girl,
then he hits him,
then they kill his father.