isten! HoW much
money did you give him?
Around 1 50 bucks. Why?
You're being screWed
by Goyko, the club oWner.
You've got a buddy, right?
Go on. What's Goyko say?
He'll transfer your
money to another project.
He doesn't give a shit about you.
Trouble is the
other project is my band.
I thought you should knoW.
Thanks a lot.
See you later.
Everything's alright, no?
We'll have a recording, right?
Stop being paranoid.
What's With you?
Come here!
What's With you?
Come here!
What's up, Mare?
We're buddies, man?!
Come here!
You'll rip my shirt!
I'll rip your ass!
This is generation 'X'.
There's no dough, eh?
Hi. -Hi.
Just say it: Mare, my man,
I screWed you over!
I didn't screW you over.
What's With you?
You did. I kneW you
Would. Didn't I tell you?
ook at me
When I'm talking to you!
I am, but look at her.
My dad Will kill me
for the Black and Decker.
WiIll one of you get me some juice?
I Will.
Where are you going? Sit doWn!
Didn't I tell you he was a tit?
You did. He is.
I want to hear you say it: We're fucked.
We're fucked.
I want you to get the money back.
To the very last cent. Get it?
I get it, Mare, but.
.it'll be hard.
Want some juice?
I'll get your money back.
He can't say 'no' to me.