Hold on, man.
I'm not going to play for free.
But that's our deal With Goyko.
All the others are paid.
We got a crate of beer
and some guitar strings.
Strings, my ass!
I've already broken 4
pairs of drumsticks.
The money Will come,
this is just our first gig.
Sandro, are you coming?
-et's go.
Where are you going,
you faggot? Fuck you!
I Wouldn't play With you, loser.
Why not learn a couple of riffs!?
Piss off, Wonker!
You've betrayed hard-core!
What are We going to do now?.
I'm in the mood to
bloW this croWd away.
We're nothing Without
a rhythm section.
I've got some friends
nearby. et's call them.
Get them to jam With us.
They can play anything.
Go and get them. noW.
OK. So it's 600 bucks?
What 600 bucks?
Never mind. Just
don't let him rip you off.
What's your band called?
We haven't given it a name yet.
It's a black tape. It says 'demo' on it.
Don't mess it up.
First the money and tape,
then you can break up.