Cops smoke grass?
Marijuana is legaliZed?
Come on, pansies.
Don't shit yourselves.
I'm one of you.
I've had enough.
Hold on.
I don't get it. What's happening?
A reservist! I'm a reservist.
Why are you playing us for fools?
I'm bored, man.
I have to stand here for 6 hours.
I was too laZy to go to college.
I should have gone to Portugal.
My buddy opened a caf,
just opposite Africa.
Why don't you go?
My colleagues
confiscated my passport!
My oWn mom bleW
the Whistle on me.
Get up, sunshine.
The police have come
to take you away.
Well, they didn't really wave at me.
But they picked me up
and since then I've stood
on patrol every other day.
I've had enough.
OK. Can We go now?.
Go Where? Can I come With you?
I'll buy you all a beer.
Never mind. et's go get that beer.
You got dough?
I knoW Where I can get some.
Good evening.
We should've dragged that fat guy out.