.kicked his ass, nicked his Wheels.
'Where's that dough from?
Your paycheck?'
Is it past three?
WoW, don't you have fun!
Come on, let the clutch go.
HoW come you're
With Goyko? I don't get it.
HoW should I know?.
HoW can anyone be
With Goyko the Tit?
Where did you meet him anyway?
At the movies.
What's the time?
I've no idea.
They're here.
Hi. -Hi. -Hi.
This is nuts? HoW Will this Work?
No sWeat. We just
need to run through it.
OK. This is like a combo
of hard core-jaZZ-funk-
OK. Watch.
Starting on D, this beat,
We go 8 cycles.
Then four on E, G, D, A.
You're singing, right?
Yeah. I could try playing bass, too.
WoW, super, cool.
Anyone see a problem?
HoWdy! Stage fright?
There's no need.
The Beatles from
iverpool Were the same.
In the first episode
they Were nervous, remember?
But afterwards..
Guys, aim high. Bye.