Why did you help me?
Especially after the Emperor
sent you to exile.
Personal concerns and public duty
are two different things.
If you help us see the Emperor,
I can resolve the
misunderstanding about our envoys.
What is the name of that man behind us?
He is a just slave, your highness.
I asked you for his name.
They're coming!
They're after us!
Where are they now?
They're moving really fast, sir.
- How many?
- Over a hundred, sir.
We don't have much time.
We must leave at once.
Escape to where?
We'll throw them off with the carriage.
Good idea sir.
Who will lead the carriage?
I will.
Give me two soldiers from Yongho's troop.
No, we can't sacrifice you
or other warriors...
No, but I'm the interpreter.
And I never drove a carriage before...
He is too young, sir.
It has been decided.
Why is it always the Joojin soldiers?
Why do you keep quiet captain?
He doesn't even know his child!
Someone has to drive the carriage.