I'm not the one to ask.
You know what i think?
I think happy
is fucking overrated.
I mean, my mom's always happy.
She's got this stupid smile
on her face...
and she's singing,
and it's just disgusting.
Apparently you don't think
your mother is really happy.
Would you be,
having me as your only child?
That's a good point.
I have to tell you. I don't think
this is the least bit attractive.
And i think that this is gonna
get you on the cover of gq.
All right.
You thinking of fucking me?
Is there a bathroom in this place,
or do you go right on the floor?
Right there.
I can't believe
i just asked my boss that.
He could be my dad.
I don't want another dad.
I don't like the one i have now.
I want a lover.
Oh, i like that word.
My lover's in the bathroom
getting coffee out of his nose.
Yeah, whatever.
My lover.