Nico and Dani

You can embrace me.
There's no need
to get pissed off.

As if you ask me
what I want to do.

AII I'm saying is... forget it.
ljust wanted to hunt
or camp out with you.

But since we met them,
the first day you arrived...

we spend aII day
running around...

with the sandwiches
and the boomerang.

Nico, you haven't
seen yourseIf.

We need ice and rubbers.
Go get some rubbers.
Okay. That's it.
We make dinner
and then screw them.

-Is that what you want?
-That's what we want.

What's up is that you're
afraid and don't like Berta.

They'II be
at our pIace aII day...

and you don't know
EIena's father or brother.

If they find out you've...
I don't want to be 17
without having screwed.

This is fuII of cameras.
Get pIenty, just in
case they break.

Buying ammunition?
-What a coincidence.

How's your independence

Fine. I'm writing.
l didn't know you
were a writer.

WeII, not yet.
These are the best.
