-What are you doing?
-What is it?
-How about a Krampack?
-What are you doing?
-Where's Berta?
She feIt sick
and is sleeping.
She feeIs sick?
-What are you doing?
-What do you think?
How about a trio?
What did you say?
C'mon, man...
A trio is cooIer for
you. Think it over.
Get out of here.
-Berta, what's wrong?
-I don't know.
I don't know.
I threw up in bed.
You threw up?
Everything is spinning.
I'm afraid I'II faII.
I feII asIeep and
it hurts here.
That's from drinking.
What can we do?
Dad takes AIka-SeItzer.
-Get it.
-Go get it, fast.
Let's go home.
No, you can't go now.
-We couId put her in the pooI.
-God, Nico!
-Not in the pooI.
To cooI you off a bit.
Let's go to the bathroom.
-What a bummer!
You sure you don't
want to sIeep here?
We'II see you home.
We'II caII a cab.
Wait, she could faII.
ShouId I tie her?
You sure?
-I want Coca-CoIa.
-But what are you doing?
I'II be away aII day.
I must heIp my father.
But Iater we couId...
-Can l have a kiss?
Let's go.