-Father O`FIannagan?
I brought your speciaI friends
from the center!
-Happy birthday!
-Janey`s making faces.
It smeIIs in here.
Okay, make a wish, dear.
This isn`t a typicaI high schooI.
At John Hughes, there are no cIiques,
no excIusive sociaI groups.
You`re accepted for you,
not who you hang out with.
We`II divide into groups
so you can get to know your peers.
Let`s get aII you jocks
in one group...
...and get you sIutty girIs
over here by me.
Hey, how you doing?
You Iosers shouId
hang out in the back.
That cIearIy incIudes you.
Come on, get back there.
Take a Iook at the kid
standing beside you.
They`re your onIy friends
for the next four years.
Okay, Iet`s move it, peopIe!
-You need to start dating.
-I don`t date. You know that.
Janey, you know Dad`s ruIe.
I can`t have sex before you.
I don`t conform to
typicaI high-schooI norms.
I read SyIvia PIath,
Iisten to Bikini KiII and eat tofu.
-I`m a unique rebeI.
-More Iike you`re a Iesbo.
Mitch, Ieave your sister aIone.