Pearl Harbor

Oh, we're all over the page.
We got one walleyed
and one pigeon-toed.

- Anthony, tap in number six.
- All right.

- Gooz?
- Yeah?

- Tap in number three.
- All right.

Hey, we got a visitor.
Oh, that ain't no
navy issue uniform, eh?

- Danny, it's Evelyn.

- You all right?
- Yeah, yeah.

I think I'm falling for her.
Wow. You know,
I saw this coming.

I didn't want this to happen.
Itjust kind ofdid. Can't help it.

Well, Danny, she's got to be
with somebody. It might as well be you.

You're telling me
ifyou were dead, and you saw
your best buddy doing your girl...

you wouldn't come back and
beat the livin' crap out of him?

- Tony, back off.
- I'd be back so fast.

Danny's being a better friend
taking care of her himself.

I got a girlfriend.
That's great.
Come on, fellas. Let's split.

Danny, whatever happens now is
just about you and her.

You got to try
and forget about Rafe.

Be careful, all right?
Ladies cloud the mind.
- Thanks, Gooz.
- You're welcome.

Hey, Danny.
Where's everybody going?
Just being discreet.
Does it seem like everybody's
acting a little strange?

No, no.
Well, maybe--
maybe a little, yeah.

Well, people in this outfiit have way
too much time on their hands.

Oh, yeah.
I just hope they don't think
there's been something going on
between us. That's all.

Oh, no, I mean, no. I mean,
that would be embarrassing, right?

I forgot my wrenches.
- It'd defiinitely be embarrassing.
- Yeah.

- Hi. Forgot my wrenches.
- Hey. He really doesn't have to leave.

