I'm on the King buisness.
The king employed you to steal horses?
He employed a man to protect
his son Philip.
I'm afraid that man is in prison.
lf you are talking about Robin Hood,
Let him be there.
He has betrayed his King
and plotted Philip's death.
May god strike you down
for repeated such a lie!
He let the Prince into a
trap this very day!
Not Robin hood!
You might believe me!
Not with my own eyes.
-l watched with my eyes
l saw Robin Hood taken prisoner!
And who are you pretending
to know Philip!
Conrad, I was the Prince's valet.
John will act as a King will hang
Robin Hood and Scarlett.
We have to get them out of prison.
Conrad say you help me please!
A woman dressed as a man?
And me...
Prince's valet against John's army?
You are frighten?
Better alive coward than a dead fool!
You don't understand.
Robin Hood is my father.
He won't kill us yet until
he found the boy.
Or John is wearing the crown.
The only way is wait for news
of King Richard death.
It wasn't Gwyn's fault Rob.
We walked into it.
She's a good girl.
-l know.
We should have brought her along.
l should have say yes.
She was right.
l should have told her that.
l ordered Philip dead!
Did I get Philip dead?
l did not!
-That was my honest mistake my lord.