Better alive coward than a dead fool!
You don't understand.
Robin Hood is my father.
He won't kill us yet until
he found the boy.
Or John is wearing the crown.
The only way is wait for news
of King Richard death.
It wasn't Gwyn's fault Rob.
We walked into it.
She's a good girl.
-l know.
We should have brought her along.
l should have say yes.
She was right.
l should have told her that.
l ordered Philip dead!
Did I get Philip dead?
l did not!
-That was my honest mistake my lord.
Honest mistake?
Honest mistake?
My life is in danger and
you took a honest mistake?
Are you mad?
Or plain stupid?
What did I order?
Philip's death sir.
-What did I wanted?
Philip sir.
-The name of the man you must kill?
-Philip good!
Ride to Nottingham,
inform your Sheriff.
lf he doesn't send me Philip's head.
I'll have his.
And yours...on a plate!
Well, two heads are better than one.
Philip's death will be a great
blown for his people.
The people don't love John.
He's move by greed and treat the
subject like sheets of slaughter
Surely one King is as good as a mix.
Philip care nothing for the fair of state.
He only thought of wine
and dancing.
Believe me,
England is better off.
You know nothing of life here
you would't say that.