Do you know that
she used to entertain...
for royalty
and common folk and...
even the President
of the United States.
[ Meow ]
Oh, don't be frightened, child.
This is just Mr. Kittles.
He was the master's
favorite pet.
He's been in the family
for generations.
Look at him.
He hasn't aged a day.
All right, child,
I think I'll take my leave.
You let me know
if there's anything you need.
DWIGHT: Yes, and as you
can see, Professor...
I've taken care
of everything...
including medical supplies
and blood storage.
We want to be safe.
Are these cameras
all throughout the house?
Yes, sir. I thought
that would be best.
So if one of
our little chickadees...
were to be taking a shower...
which button would I press
to get a closeup?
That one.
This one? [ Beep ]
Excuse me, Professor...
but your guests
have begun to arrive...
and supper
shall be served shortly.
OK. Thanks, handyman.
I'm actually the caretaker.
Oh, aren't those
cool new skates?
Now, you be careful
with those.
Don't want to fall
and break something.
Oh, that's funny.
That's real funny.
Let me give you a hand.
Well, that--that's
awful kind of you.
How about you give me
a standing ovation?
Why don't you lift me up?
Oh! OK. I see where
you're going with this one.
You look familiar to me.
Were you in "Stomp"?
Hey, you can kiss my grits.
I think I'll be the bigger man
now and walk away.
Walk away.
PROFESSOR: Um, I'll go
and change for dinner.
- OK.
- I'll see you shortly.
Sounds good.
I'll just run upstairs
and jump into my jogging suit.
I'll be right down.
[ Squawking ]
Hey there, little guy.
How you doing?
Fuck off, four eyes.
I beg your pardon?
BIRD: I said,
"Fuck off, four eyes."
Oh, I ought to
kick your ass.