Well, it's about time, Carmen.
Ben opened 7:00 sharp every day,
for many years.
-Did you know that?
-Yeah, she knows that.
And he was nailed for serious
health code violations, wasn't he?
Just a few.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Excuse me.
What did you do now?
What do you mean?
I just fucked up, that's what I did.
Hey, sweetie!
You don't have any of America's Best here.
But we have Hellmann's and Miracle Whip.
I can see that,
but you don't have any America's Best.
In the loca.I news, a. ma.n is dea.d
a.fter fa.Iling some 90 feet from a.n oil rig.
Here we go again.
...a.bout 3 miles south-west
of Mounta.in View, a.round 7.:00 la.st night.
A worker on the rig fell off
a.nd la.nded on top of a.nother worker.
The ma.n who fell off a.t first
wa.s ta.ken to the Ca.rnegie Hospita.I....
Authorities sa.y the 20-yea.r-old ma.n
wa.s from out ofsta.te.
They a.re not revea.Iing his identity.
Judges toda.y gra.nted....
Mr. Parker, what are you doing here?
You like that?