In the loca.I news, a. ma.n is dea.d
a.fter fa.Iling some 90 feet from a.n oil rig.
Here we go again.
...a.bout 3 miles south-west
of Mounta.in View, a.round 7.:00 la.st night.
A worker on the rig fell off
a.nd la.nded on top of a.nother worker.
The ma.n who fell off a.t first
wa.s ta.ken to the Ca.rnegie Hospita.I....
Authorities sa.y the 20-yea.r-old ma.n
wa.s from out ofsta.te.
They a.re not revea.Iing his identity.
Judges toda.y gra.nted....
Mr. Parker, what are you doing here?
You like that?
Yeah, $5.99.
Well, I don't, I just....
Let me guess. It's too expensive for you?
Yeah, too expensive for you, too, isn't it?
Yeah, it's too expensive.
-Do you need some help with this guy?
-No, he's just senile.
It's not fun getting old
and ending up like that.
-Hey, girl.
-Thank you for the coffee.
-You're welcome.
All right, Mr. Parker. $1 .25.
-No, $1 .25.
-Yeah, that's $1 .25.
-You're right.
-See, I wouldn't cheat you.
No, you wouldn't. See you tomorrow.