Scenes of the Crime

Be smart, walk away.
What do you need this bullshit for?
You're just a driver.

I'm just a driver?
Guess what, it all comes down
to who has this gun, okay.

And I have the gun.
I will fucking shoot you if I have to.

Let me go.
I'll make sure no one touches you.

Why, how much of a big shot are you?
Tell them to let us go through
and I'll let you out later.

Going on a couple of blocks...
it's not going to resolve the problem.
There's no escape.

They're spread over town...
waiting for you
and your subtle means of transportation.

If I walk out of this van, right now,
in one piece...

you're going to be home in time for lunch.
What's up?
Come on.
Don't answer it.
Don't get involved.
Come on.
-What the fuck is going on?

Hello, speak up.
-Who's this?
-Who's this?

-Lenny Burroughs.
-Where's Rick?

-He's not here.
-Where is he?

-Rick's dead, sir.
-How's he dead?

He stepped out. They ra.n him over.
Ha.ppened in a. second.

-You saw this?
-I sa.w it. I'm driving him.

-Of course I saw them kill him.
-Is Jimmy Berg in the va.n?
