Scenes of the Crime

What's up?
Come on.
Don't answer it.
Don't get involved.
Come on.
-What the fuck is going on?

Hello, speak up.
-Who's this?
-Who's this?

-Lenny Burroughs.
-Where's Rick?

-He's not here.
-Where is he?

-Rick's dead, sir.
-How's he dead?

He stepped out. They ra.n him over.
Ha.ppened in a. second.

-You saw this?
-I sa.w it. I'm driving him.

-Of course I saw them kill him.
-Is Jimmy Berg in the va.n?

What's your name?
Jimmy Berg.
He's with me.
I'm surrounded here.
I don't get it.
How did they get into the warehouse?

-Wha.t wa.rehouse? I a.m pa.rked on the street.
-Where are you?

At the corner of Greenla.nd a.nd Seventh.
-We talked about Lincoln Avenue.
-As far as I know, the warehouse off--

You talk to Rick, make any changes?
I didn't talk to anybody.
I've been with you since 6:00.

Greenland and Seventh?
-It's way up there--
-I know where it is.

You're 10 miles away from where
you should be. What are you doing?

-I drove where Rick told me to.
-He told you to drive to that shit hole?

-You couldn't lose Berg's guys?
-No, they showed up la.ter.

Why didn't you go to the warehouse?
Why did Rick ask you to go there?

You tell me. I don't know.
