What's your name?
Jimmy Berg.
He's with me.
I'm surrounded here.
I don't get it.
How did they get into the warehouse?
-Wha.t wa.rehouse? I a.m pa.rked on the street.
-Where are you?
At the corner of Greenla.nd a.nd Seventh.
-We talked about Lincoln Avenue.
-As far as I know, the warehouse off--
You talk to Rick, make any changes?
I didn't talk to anybody.
I've been with you since 6:00.
Greenland and Seventh?
-It's way up there--
-I know where it is.
You're 10 miles away from where
you should be. What are you doing?
-I drove where Rick told me to.
-He told you to drive to that shit hole?
-You couldn't lose Berg's guys?
-No, they showed up la.ter.
Why didn't you go to the warehouse?
Why did Rick ask you to go there?
You tell me. I don't know.
Maybe I should have made this clear to you
in the beginning.
-My name is Trevor Morrison. Heard of me?
-I know who you a.re.
Very good. Now you listen to me.
You're not to let Jimmy Berg go,
you hear me?
No one's going to fuck with you.
You work for me now, understand?
-You have a gun?
You know how to use it?
Yes, I do.
Tha.t's good. Don't ma.ke a. single move
without ca.Iling me.
Here's my number: 555-0156.