Maybe I should have made this clear to you
in the beginning.
-My name is Trevor Morrison. Heard of me?
-I know who you a.re.
Very good. Now you listen to me.
You're not to let Jimmy Berg go,
you hear me?
No one's going to fuck with you.
You work for me now, understand?
-You have a gun?
You know how to use it?
Yes, I do.
Tha.t's good. Don't ma.ke a. single move
without ca.Iling me.
Here's my number: 555-0156.
Have a seat, Trevor.
I don't want to take undue advantage
of the situation.
Last thing either of us needs is a war
triggered by a nervous driver...
who might kill Berg
because he couldn't hold his gun straight.
-No one wants him dead.
-I am glad we are in agreement.
However, $7.2 million has been stolen.
Money will be sent to you in 24 hours.
You have my word.
Now we have to discuss compensation.
$1 million in cash in advance
of all remodeling contracts...