We went to a great deal
of trouble finding her.
It's a great honor.
But you said you had
something to give her?
Uh, yes...
Before she'll meet anyone new,
usually the earth has to move.
What has to move, Mino?
"The earth moves', Missus.
"Earthquake'...that one
this morning.
Wasn't that something!
I thought my time had come!
How do you do.
I'm Fujiwara Chiyoko.
This is truly a great day.
We are most deeply honored.
Oh, don't be so formal.
You're from Studio...
It means "lotus'.
Oh, I love lotuses!
I'm aware of that.
Thus the name of our studio...
They'll be in flower soon out back.
In poetry they symbolize...
Yes! "Simple purity'.
Well, Mr Tachibana...
you mentioned "something'...
Oh, yes! I'm sorry...
I've kept this...
...to give it to you
when I found where you were.
All the while I meant to for get it...
Was that the key
to something important?
To the most important thing
there is.
Thank you, Mr Tachibana.
But where did you get this?
Uh...well, many years ago
someone at Ginei Studios found it.