Have pity!
No! I won't let you go!
I'll come back!
I just want to see him
and give him what's his!
How nice of you!
A man about to be executed
is in need of nothing now.
You poor fool!
Pursue him as long
and as far as you may...
...you cannot escape your fate.
Neither you, nor her!
Don't just stand there! Bring her!
On your feet!
Let me go! Please! Let me go!
I must go to him!
I promise I'll come back!
Let me go!
Now we're in Kyoto...faster than
a speeding bullet train!
Another age, too...
Where's Chiyoko?
You're not dressed for this era.
Don't you glare at me!
I taught you everything you know,
and now you've shamed me!
You'll learn to listen to reason!
The fool! Making Eiko mad!
It serves her right!
Chiyo doesn't know her place.
A few men like her
and she thinks she's a geisha!
Watch her! Make sure
she doesn't run away again!
Wasn't this supposed to be
a documentary?
Damn right!
"The Seven Specters:
The Legend of Fujiwara Chiyoko'!