Let´s be honest.
This is about Jackie.
I come over here
for professional reasons, nothin´ else.
On a professional mission.
l´ve gotta hand-pick a team.
And I had you in mind for that team.
But quite frankly, your attitude appals me.
It´s not whatyou´re sayin´.
It´s the stuff you´re not sayin´.
You really are demonstratin´ some whoppin´
great ego! l´d keep that in check if I were you!
Cos that sort of big-headedness
can be a right turn-off!
If you don´t wanna do the job, fair enough.
I can accept that, and we´ll leave it at that.
Considerin´ the outrageousness
of what´s goin´ on in your head,
whatever stinkin´ thoughts you´re havin´,
which I don´t wanna know,
cos they´re so disgustin´...
Fuckin´ hell! Fuckin´ hell!
I would like to leave.
Now, this minute, please. Get me a taxi.
Sir? l´m afraid you can´t smoke.
- What? What do you want?
- Your cigarette. You have to put it out.
Cigarette? What, this?
- No, l´m not gonna put it out.
- You must.
- Why´s that?
- If you don´t, we can´t take off.
Well, that´s your problem, innit?