* Just to understand that
l was afraid to be a simple guy
* l tried my best to smile
* But deep inside my heart
* l felt it was shouting
like a crowd dancing
* l guess l couldn't
live without the things
* That made my life what it is
* Can't you hear me calling?
* Ooh, yeah
* Everybody's dancing
* Ooh, yeah
* Tonight everything is over
Co to ksakru je.
* l can't lie on my bed
without thinking l was wrong
* But when that feeling calls...
- Potøebuje pomoc?
- Co? Pojï sem!
* Night-time won't hold
me in your arms again
* l got a very
good friend who says
* He can't believe
the love l give
* ls not enough
to end your fears
* l guess l couldn't
live without the things
* That made my life what it is
Je deset hodin.
Musíme jít.
- O èem to mluví?
- Hale, musíme jít... udìlat tu vìc.
- Ví, na tom místì.
- Jakou vìc?
Hey, omlouvám se, sleèny.
Musím vám ukradnou taneèního partnera.
- Co dìlá?!
- Zachraòuji tì.
- Od èeho?
- Od èeho?!
Od houfu splaených buvolù,
od tohohle toho!
Pojï se k nám pøidat. Moje je ta zrzka.
Mùe si vybrat se zbylých dvou.
Má na mysli, e ty si bere hienu, a já si mám vybrat
mezi hrochem a irafou?