- [ Microphone Feedback ]
- [ Woman ] Ouch. Shit.
- [ Man ] Turn that down, Bitsy.
- [ Bitsy ] Sorry.
[ Woman ] Wardell, do you think
God killed Peggy as a punishment...
for having that affair with G. W.?
- You know I don't believe
in that shit, Juanita.
- [ Bitsy ] Testing.
- Can y'all hear me?
- [ Wardell ] We sure can, Bitsy.
[Juanita ]
Bitsy, have you ever had an affair...
with anybody with missing limbs
or anything?
Not that I can remember, Juanita.
I once had an affair
with a man with only one testicle.
[ singing: And who's a sinner ]
You're my 27th therapist
in the last three years.
[ singing: Lord, it's tough enough
to trudge from brunch to dinner ]
I'm from the South.
Uh, Texas, actually.
[ singing: We seek the light of truth ]
[ singing: Between our white lies ]
I was raised rigid Southern Baptist,
I'm an actor, and I'm gay.
[ singing: We sleep away our youth
under tattletale skies ]
[ singing: Who's a sinner and who's a saint ]
[ singing: Who's to say who you can love ]
[ singing: And who you can't ]
[ singing: Now it's easy for the pot
to call the kettle black ]
[ singing: They're just jealous of the hot
and lusty, sordid lives they led ]
[ singing: Ain't it a bitch
sorting out our sordid lives ]
[ singing: It's a bitch
when you come to realize ]
[ singing: Crack yourself a box
of CrackerJacks ]
[ singing: You can get a really shitty prize ]
[ singing: It's a bitch
sorting out our sordid lives ]