Sordid Lives

[ singing: We seek the light of truth ]
[ singing: Between our white lies ]
I was raised rigid Southern Baptist,
I'm an actor, and I'm gay.

[ singing: We sleep away our youth
under tattletale skies ]

[ singing: Who's a sinner and who's a saint ]
[ singing: Who's to say who you can love ]
[ singing: And who you can't ]
[ singing: Now it's easy for the pot
to call the kettle black ]

[ singing: They're just jealous of the hot
and lusty, sordid lives they led ]

[ singing: Ain't it a bitch
sorting out our sordid lives ]

[ singing: It's a bitch
when you come to realize ]

[ singing: Crack yourself a box
of CrackerJacks ]

[ singing: You can get a really shitty prize ]
[ singing: It's a bitch
sorting out our sordid lives ]

[ singing: Now there's trouble
coming down the chute ]

[ singing: To take our first breath ]
[ singing: And we struggle for acceptance
from birth to death ]

[ singing: But the Lord's too busy
trying to keep the world on its feet ]

[ singing: He ain't got time to give a damn
about what goes on between the sheets ]

[ singing: Ain't it a bitch ]
[ singing: Sorting out our sordid lives ]
[ singing: It's a bitch
when you come to realize ]

[ singing: Crack yourself a box
of CrackerJack ]

[ singing: You can get a really shitty prize ]
[ singing: It's a bitch sorting out
our sorry, little ]

[ singing: Sordid lives ]
- ] Oh, yeah ] ]
- [ Clapping ]

- That's real good, Bitsy.
- Thank you, Juanita.

When I was a kid, I was fat.
