- And that was all she wrote.
- That's amazing.
- You know, any man who hits
a woman is no man at all.
- You got that right.
- Darrel's in group therapy
for abusive husbands now.
- Oh.
A bunch of wife-beaters
gets together once a week with
this specialist, and they purge.
Some of them
are deadbeat dads too.
Used to be two groups.
One for wife-beaters
and one for deadbeat dads.
But so many of them crossed over
from one group to the next,
they just merged.
Hey. They merged and they purged.
[ Chuckles ]
I've seen boll weevils in flour...
in, uh, oatmeal and parik-- paprika...
but never on a rooster
you made in vacation Bible school.
I probably should have married Mozelle
instead of Noleta...
and then I wouldn't have been
compelled to fool around...
and Peggy would still be alive.
Well, it's just somewhat awkward
when your neighbor's husband
kills your sister.
[ Gasps ]
Oh, Noleta has emerged.
- [ Yelling ]
- She's throwing all of G. W.'s stuff
out in the yard.
Goddamn sorry, cheating
son of a bitch!
Oh, Lord have mercy on my soul.
- There goes the TV.
- [ Yelling, Cheering ]
Life is one big, ol' pile of shit,
You know, G.W.,
no offence now, but, uh...
you're starting to get on my nerves.
I mean, get off the cross, buddy.
We need the wood.
[ Laughs ]
- That was a joke, G.W.
- [ Laughing ]
You know,
to try and lift your spirits.
My God. My God.
- Woo-hoo.
- Woo-hoo.
Come on in, Noleta.
Thanks, Sissy.
I brung you this. It's, uh--
It's my mama's tuna casserole.
You know, the one I always make
with the Lay's potato chips
and the Cream of Mushroom soup.
Well, that is mighty nice of you...
given the circumstances and all.