Well, this is not a conversation
that a couple of straight men
would be having.
And he leaned in to me,
and he said...
""I'm glad you're one of us.''
I just looked at him...
and realized I had fucked up.
So I put it back on,
you know, the butch thing.
And I said, ""I don't know
what you're talking about.''
And he just said, ""That's okay.
I understand.''
""That's okay. I understand.''
Well, they do not understand down there.
- Do you know what you're doing to me?
- No.
I have a book deal,
pending on my success with you.
- Ooh.
- Simon & Schuster.
And you're my ace in the hole, Earl.
If I can dehomosexualize you,
I can dehomosexualize anyone.
That would mean my theory works.
And I'd be famous.
I'll be on talk shows.
But you're not helping me, Earl.!
Well, I tried.
I did them
stupid masturbation exercises.
I can't help it
if you don't float my boat.
And I walked right down that hall
without my hair on...
everybody catcalling at me,
making fun.
Just-Just looking like
some kind of a damn fool.
You always look like a fool.
Well, that's not very nice.
""Nice.'' ""Nice.''
I don't give a shit about ""nice,'' Earl.
I am on a deadline.
This has got to work, so I can
get the hell out of this shithole...
and get on Oprah.
Is-- Is that so complicated?
Is that too much to ask for?
- No.
- Can you just get that
through your head?
Or has the heat from all the wigs
all these years caused you some kind
of brain damage?
Oh, you're starting to scare me.